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101 Reporters Revolutionizing Freelance Journalism

101 Reporters is digital platform that allows freelance journalists from all over the country to submit their articles to their website and in turn they would give it to national and international media houses and then pay them for the articles. This platform is one of its kind and is poised to revolutionize freelance journalism forever.


Freelance journalism is considered one of the toughest careers in the media industry. In a time when citizens are getting tired of biased media and look to freelance journalists to hold up the sacred profession, recognition is still extremely hard for these journalists. And with no surety of the next paycheck very few people are looking to freelance journalism as a viable career option. But upcoming platforms like 101 Reporters aim to change exactly that. It empowers not only the profession of freelance journalism but also empowers citizens to take this up as a profession. Anybody can submit a story irrespective of age,gender,education or qualification. You can make a career out of writing even without a degree to prove you’re a journalist.


How it works


  • Story Idea: First you come up with an idea for your story or article. The story can be on any topic ranging from social issues to even hard news. The idea will be given proper shape before it’s passed on to media houses.
  • Approval: Now your story will go through the editors at 101 reporters who will decide if its viable or not. They might even send it back to you asking for slight changes. And if your story does get approved then the story style and deadline will be given to you.
  • Submission: And now you’re required to submit it by the deadline. And after you do again the editors at 101 Reporters go through your article and if required they rework it. Grammar and working style will be checked and  reworked which means you don’t have to worry about your article not sticking to style or having a lot errors as they will take care of that for you. All your articles will be published with a byline.
  • Payment: As soon as the publisher clears the submitted article payment will be made to you in 30 days.  Even if the publisher drops the article after it’s been written 101 Reporters will compensate you and so payment is assured. Payment would range from Rs3 to 5 depending on how much editing is done to your article before submission. Word limit is 900 words per article.



101 Reporters has published 520 stories touching 250 cities through their 16 publishers. Presently they are not taking articles in vernacular languages but they plan to keep expanding and eventually take local languages which would empower grassroot reporters and grassroot stories even more. Their plan for this year is to have one reporter in each of the 664 districts in India. Are you the one for your district?


To join visit their website:

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